Monday, July 18, 2011

Is teeny weenie afro right for me?

I am 27, with a husband, a 15 month old daughter & a son on the way within the next 6 weeks. I put myself aside for my loved ones for so long I became depressed. I am fighting back now by putting my itself on the top of my priority list. Feeling good= look good. So I'm getting back to my sexy (whether hubby notices or not). I decided to do the natural TWA for the first time. I doing a full makeover on myself and my life (starting new career in hair with school in Sept 2011). My questions are... Will a twa look right on me( w/ my face shape and double chin which I hate)? What is my hair type? I sweat & have hotflashes alot(2nd reason for bc) so my relaxer, given to myself 3 days ago didn't work. I hope pix r enough to tell what hair I am. Please help so I can make the right decision!!

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