Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Strange dream starting to come true?

I will just get right into it and tell you what happened in the dream. I will tell you everything that happened, whether it is relevant or not, and I will say why I think I dreamt that. So, I was at school and apparently somebody was writing a book about me and narrating my life. At one point, the narrator said something like "When he was 14 years old, he lost his youngest brother" or something. They then said that it took place at school. I went to school and my youngest brother and my 3rd youngest brother were both sick. I saw my home ec teacher smoking a cigarette (which may be related to the fact that my sister had told me something about said teacher earlier in the day). My mother came and picked up my brothers and on the way out I was crying and told her that we needed to go to the doctor immediately. I was screaming at her to call 911 and all of a sudden a strange foamy white substance came out of his mouth. (Allow me to explain that. I had watched an episode of Extreme Makeover: Home Edition that day and the father of the people getting a new house had died from getting near some type of mold and a foamy white substance came out of his mouth, much like with my brother in my dream). As the stuff was going out of his mouth, my mother started dialing 911 and before he died, I awoke. Now, I will explain other things that may have had something to do with it. This certain brother was out of town with my parents the night I had the dream and he had already been gone for two days and wouldn't return for two more. This happened about 3 nights ago and today I saw him near an area of our house that I think may have black mold, but I am not sure. Some other stuff that has happened recently: Last night, my 2nd youngest brother, who is disabled and cannot walk started screaming at about three AM. I awoke to see a heavy piece of sheetrock on him, which had fallen down from the extremely fast winds. I don't know if that is even relevant but it just seems like something I should say. SO, can anybody interpret this dream? Thanks!

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