Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Do you think exstreme home makeover would pick us?

my name is bonnie compton from the time i was born my life has been hell when i was 3 my dad left and my mom had to struggle as a single mother of 3 then when i was 4 i sufferd saveer 3rd degree burns to the hole left side of my body and when i was born i was born with a clep palit so i was made fun of my hole life becouse of it as i got older my brother and sister was in and out of jeil all the time and when my sister was not lock up she would beat the crap out of my mom my she broke my moms ribs and her jaw and she run away and my mom could not do anything to stop her and my brother was not much better if he was mad he would beat on me and my mom and for the rest of my child hood i was moved around all the time my mom did not have money so we had to live off welfair and food stamps we was so broke that there was times when we had to live at the river for months at a time then when i was 12 my mom met my step dad and he took care of us the best he could but we was still consently moveing we moved to st joseph mo when i was 15 but we sill did not stay in 1 place for more then 3 months so i got sick of it all and got merried when i was 17 to a 35 year old man that beat on me and cheated on me all the time and when i was 19 i finely met my real father for the 1st time sence i was 3 and lond behold that was a mistake becouse he rape me every time he saw me he said he could not conseter me his kid couse he did not raise me it hurt so bad that he would do that to me but he got his he was kill in a wreck in 99 after that i found out that my husband had lung cancer and he was dieing but even as mean as he was to me i took care of him intell he past on about a year later i met and married my husband that i am with now me and my deceast husband had a child togather and i almost died giveing birth to her i lost to much blood she was 1 when he died so my new husband has been raiseing her as his own he is such a great man he was a voulanteer fire fighter for a lot of years and he has done a lot more volulanteer work now becouse of all that me and my mom had been thoug togather we was very close my new husband and i had a chiled in 2005 and once again i had the same prob with her also she was a month early we went out one night my mom was babysitting the kids we come back to pick them up and my mom told me she loved me and the next moring she was dead that was 2006 it killed me so then me my step dad my kids nd my husband moved to springfield mo and i was in a car wreck that hurt me and i cant work in 2007 we had another chiled and she was also a month early she spent 2 weeks in icu at the time my husband was working and makeing good money so we bout a traylerhouse and moved in it and then in now my dad had heart problums and yes he also had copd after my mom died i started taking care of him and he died in 2008 3 months later my husband got laid off of work so for the next 2 1/2 years my husband me and are 3 girls had to live on unemployment so we all moved to atchison ks and my husband finly got work at a place called l and l construcison he has been there now for 8 mounths he was makeing 13.00 per hr but he got fired for looking for better work all we wanted was to own a place so the kids and us would never have to move again so i went looking and found a house the lady onley wanted 6500 for it so i called her and she agreed to owner finance it at 500 per month the house needes alot of work it needs new plumbing and walls the roof leaks the kitchen has nothing in it nether does the bathroom we have been tring so hard to get in that house that we are now being evicted from the one we are renting and im scared we have all ready bbeen though so much all we want is to have a place so that the kids and us never have to move ever again and after all that has happend we just found out im pregnet again so we are gonna have 4 kids we need that house i have tried to post on ty penningtons wall on facebook i went to the librery and printed a app out for home make over and got a disposable cam and took pics of the house but we dont think my story will fit on the app and right now we dont even have the money to mail it in i ont want my kids to have to me moved around like i did so please help us help my kids

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