Saturday, July 16, 2011

Does he like me and just doesn't want to admit it?

Well, i used to date this guy Jesse but he kind of ditched me for some other chick. We got together online on like the 3rd day we met, i kind of new it wasnt gunna last that long. Now we know eachother more than before and now i ACTUALY like him, for him not looks. He's sweet, nice, funny, and basically EVERYTHING a girl is looking for. We have a problem though, he likes this whore named Millie, she's a liar, ***** with his head alllll the time, and uses him, but he loves her. Go figure. I told him about he broke my heart and he said he didnt mean to but he just wants to be good friends, i LOVE Jesse ! I'd do anything for him ! But he just wants to be close friends. Im always there for him, when he needs advice on a girl or opinion and if he wants to talk, WHY CANT HE OPEN HIS EYES ? I'd be a waay better girlfriend then i was before, i actually KNOW him now, and he just wants to be friends ? WTF ? He said hes sorry its just when he usually goes out with someone and break up hes usually done, but he wants to be close friends, but i think hes ******* with my head, he always hits me up first, he always talks about girls to me, is always nice to me, and always comments on my pics i take, and always says sorry when he does something wrong,and alwaaaays posts statuses about Millie and **** , and he knows i read them i think hes playing hard to get, tell me what you think. I need advice, should i play hard to get ? Should i not ? If i should how should i ? I just need help, tell me what you think. Thanks.

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