Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I just got rejected by my best friend, on the edge of tears?

about a month ago they told me they were falling in love with me. we had always been best friends. and for about 3 weeks we were kinda dating, like we knew how we felt about eachother but we were to nervous to show it in person. we mostly talked about it on msn. we had a few sleepovers and he kept putting his hands on my legs. i was so shy i didnt know how to respond. at school i originally had no friends and he asked me to hang with his group, so i did. we tended to sit right next to eachother and do little flirty things without people seeing. i love him so much. he knows everything about me and hes always been there for me. before him i had no friends either. and just now hes been texting me saying he loves me so much but he fancys someone else. i got abit upset about that but didnt show it. then he said more things like that. and i said we cant half date because its not working. i also said '' look ive told you how i feel about you, i love you to bits. but if you dont feel the same thats something im going to have to live with. you say you want to date me but it would be weird, you tell me you fancy someone else and its really making it hard'' then i told him no matter what we will always be best friends ( to try to make things less awkward) and he responded with '' well i tend to hate my exs..'' its not fair he gives me all these messages for all this time and then stops and puts all these obstacles in the way. he ended up saying ''argh **** me!'' and logged of, he only does this when hes mad and upset :( and schools tommorrow and when we fall out we dont talk, its something we've always done. and im going to have no one to hang out with :(. when he came over yesterday he also told me i looked nice and that he really had feelings for me. whats going on? argh :( and on his msn he has his status as '' I love you Millie xxx'' but he said we cant tell anyone? :'(( ive just lost the guy i love so much and my best friend.

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