Monday, July 11, 2011

Makeover, Heal, and Get Ex back, HELP PLEASE.?

I know your not going to like this answer but theres a lot of selfishness in your details. Its normal no doubt but I just want you to be aware that your very co dependent on someone "else" to make you happy not creating that happiness within yourself. I will just tell you too that if you program yourself to only release happy chemicals while engaging with or being around a certain individual then your making a recipe for disaster in your future. If this relationship ever got to the point of living with this person or more appropriately "married" then you would no doubt blame this guy for anything negative in your life and wouldnt take responsibility for your own happiness but put it on him who YOU made to be the reason or blame to your happiness level, get what i'm saying? I understand the whole high school scene is a lot different than real life, long term, committed relationships but just gotta let you know. In my personal opinion you are all about yourself and your "prize" not thinking about the absolute welfare of this guys life or anything outside of those selfish needs. I recommend to never beg or artfully scheme a plan to get someones lust because its just lust, love is a much more deeper principle that has to selflessly be practiced on both sides in order to work.

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