Saturday, July 16, 2011

My dog licks her lips, turns her head & yawns alot, is she scared of me :( ?

That's not signals of fear, if she were afraid, she wouldn't be laying on you, she wouldn't be even close to you, her tail would be down, her ears would be down and there's no way she would sit with you if she were afraid. Now, how much training do you do? Because overtraining can make a dog want to avoid having to do the work - it's about expectation and being annoyed. Hon, it really sounds like you are being a little militant with your training - you need to stop. Training should be nor more than an hour a day - and once they are trained, you just do it when necessary. You can stop after a month or two at most. That's what most training programs do - it's about 6-8 classes, one or two per week, and a little work on your own during that time. She needs to live and what she's come to expect from you are orders. Nobody is going to be comfortable around someone who's always making them do work, correcting them and doing training. You need to develop a relationship with your dog as a companion, as a friend. Right now you are a bossy mother, and I think you might know how that feels.

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